educational attainment

美 [ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃənl əˈteɪnmənt]英 [ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃənl əˈteɪnmənt]
  • 教育程度;教育程度,受教育程度
educational attainmenteducational attainment
  1. China is a world leader in terms of educational attainment and economic growth .


  2. A study on spatial difference of human capital educational attainment between 1982 to 2000 in China


  3. The survey finds that , in spite of the dramatic gains women have made in educational attainment and labor force participation in recent decades , young women view this as a man 's world — just as middle-aged and older women do .


  4. Scholars also find significant difference in educational attainment .


  5. High levels of educational attainment and stable families help in this .


  6. The effect of familial economical and cultural capital on educational attainment in China


  7. Asian-Americans also have higher educational attainment than any other group .


  8. Literacy and educational attainment is a matter of vital national interest .


  9. Personal factors such as educational attainment , age and sex influence the perceptions .


  10. Educational Attainment , Formation and Transitions of the American Middle Class : Theoretical and Empirical Analysis


  11. It is still in most cases closely correlated with educational attainment and career expectations .


  12. Median hourly wage varied substantially across employees with different levels of educational attainment .


  13. Gender Differences in Educational Attainment : Impacts of Family Background on Educational Attainment of Men and Women


  14. The question goes : Do you and your spouse share the same educational attainment ?


  15. What 's more , several studies have linked higher educational attainment to a decreased risk of Alzheimer 's disease .


  16. A similar link between educational attainment and alcohol consumption is seen among men , but the correlation is less strong .


  17. This paper calculates the Theil coefficients on national and provincial levels to measure the differences in educational attainment .


  18. The Differences in Educational Attainment and the Decomposition in China An Analysis on Relationship between Korean Numeral and Altaic Family


  19. However , compensatory education for children , such as Head Start , leads to long-term improvements in educational attainment and education .


  20. President Obama and many governors have set a goal to return America to a position of international leadership in educational attainment .


  21. Pew said women surpassed men in educational attainment in1992 , and the gap has continued to grow .


  22. Socioeconomic status exerts a significant influence on many aspects of an individual 's life including health status , educational attainment , and future employment .


  23. " For nursing , this could mean a collective improvement in professional and educational attainment globally ," says Gyurko .


  24. Economists have generally tracked mobility by looking at surveys on wealth , jobs and educational attainment over two or three generations .


  25. The fall was caused by a drop in economic participation and opportunity for women , as well as a dip in female educational attainment .


  26. Cognitive development , behavioural and social competence , educational attainment ) and to society ( e.g.reduced delinquency and crime ) .


  27. Increasing the educational attainment of men without a college degree will increase their average earnings and their likelihood of being employed , the authors write .


  28. The Georgetown researchers note , " people with lower educational attainment can often make more than those with higher attainment as a result of occupational differences . "


  29. Yet for all the official talk at home about ever-improving exam results , Britain is beginning to slide down the international league table of educational attainment .


  30. Children have been affected significantly both in terms of their educational attainment and progress , particularly for example younger children who have been delayed in their reading and literacy progress .
